Ningxia's wines making the transition to the top table of page 3 |

Ningxia's wines making the transition to the top table

By Zhu Baoxia, Yan Dongjie and Hu Dongmei China Daily Updated: Jun 15, 2023
He Yangyang shows her son the awards her wine has won in international competitions. YAN DONGJIE/CHINA DAILY

Guidance, energy

President Xi Jinping visited Ningxia in 2016 and 2020, showing great interest in the local wine grape industry. In 2016, he pointed out that the Chinese wine market's potential was enormous, and the grape wine produced in Ningxia had excellent market potential.

As such, he encouraged the comprehensive development of Ningxia's wine grape industry and emphasized the need to adhere to the chosen development path.

In 2020, Xi further urged Ningxia to integrate the development of the wine grape industry with improved management of the banks of the Yellow River and environmental restoration. He also emphasized the need to improve technological capabilities, increase cultural connotations, improve publicity and promotion, and build the Ningxia grape wine brand.

He believed that in due time Chinese wine grapes would "astonish the world", which would provide direction, guidance and energy for the development of Ningxia's high-quality industry.

Xi also visited the Yuanshi Vineyard, which was a sand quarry two decades ago. In response to the call to improve the environment, the vineyard's owner, Yuan Yuan, introduced water from the Yellow River. By nourishing the land and planting trees, he transformed a barren sand pit into a park with artificial lakes and vast vineyards.


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Ningxia's wines making the transition to the top table

By Zhu Baoxia, Yan Dongjie and Hu Dongmei China Daily Updated: Jun 15, 2023
He Yangyang shows her son the awards her wine has won in international competitions. YAN DONGJIE/CHINA DAILY

Guidance, energy

President Xi Jinping visited Ningxia in 2016 and 2020, showing great interest in the local wine grape industry. In 2016, he pointed out that the Chinese wine market's potential was enormous, and the grape wine produced in Ningxia had excellent market potential.

As such, he encouraged the comprehensive development of Ningxia's wine grape industry and emphasized the need to adhere to the chosen development path.

In 2020, Xi further urged Ningxia to integrate the development of the wine grape industry with improved management of the banks of the Yellow River and environmental restoration. He also emphasized the need to improve technological capabilities, increase cultural connotations, improve publicity and promotion, and build the Ningxia grape wine brand.

He believed that in due time Chinese wine grapes would "astonish the world", which would provide direction, guidance and energy for the development of Ningxia's high-quality industry.

Xi also visited the Yuanshi Vineyard, which was a sand quarry two decades ago. In response to the call to improve the environment, the vineyard's owner, Yuan Yuan, introduced water from the Yellow River. By nourishing the land and planting trees, he transformed a barren sand pit into a park with artificial lakes and vast vineyards.

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