Haier's largest domestic investment project settles in Qingdao | investinchina.chinadaily.com.cn
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Haier's largest domestic investment project settles in Qingdao

chinadaily.com.cn Updated: 2022-07-07


Visitors are introduced to COSMOPlat, Haier's industrial internet platform, at a free trade zone in Qingdao, Shandong province, on Nov 30, 2020. [Photo by ZHANG JINGANG/FOR CHINA DAILY]

The commencement ceremony for the Haier COSMOPlat Industrial Internet Ecopark project was held on July 2 in Jiaozhou, a county-level city in Qingdao, Shandong province.

The project, spanning an area of about 273.33 hectares with a total investment of 13 billion yuan ($1.94 billion), is home appliance giant Haier Group's largest investment project in China, said Zhou Yunjie, chairman and CEO of Haier.

Zhou added that an industrial internet demonstration park based on the high-end smart home appliance industry and powered by the digital economy will be formed after the completion of the project in November 2023.


The booth of Haier Smart Home is seen at the 2021 Appliance & Electronics World Expo in Shanghai in March. [Provided to China Daily]

Located in the core area of the China-SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Area, the project, empowered by COSMOPlat, will be built into a national industrial internet demonstration park with 5G and AIOT (artificial intelligence internet of things) integrated applications. It will become the industry's first high-end smart home appliance manufacturing demonstration base with new technology, a new system and new energy.

COSMOPlat, a first-of-its-kind industrial internet platform developed by Haier, now ranks among China's top cross-industry and cross-sector industrial internet platforms.

The project will also become the first 100-billion-yuan-level industrial chain in the China-SCO demonstration zone as well as in Jiaozhou, contributing greatly to the high-quality development of the regional intelligent manufacturing industry, according to local officials.